


L. Couperin (1626-1661) 

Tombeau pour Monsieur Blancrocher - Pavanne - Passacaille


F. Couperin (1668-1733) 

XXV ordre
La Visionaire - La Misterieuse - La Monflambert - La Muse victorieuse - Les ombres errantes


J.S. Bach (1685-1750) 

Toccata in mi minore BWV 914


G.F. Handel (1685-1759) 

Suite n°4 in mi minore HWV 429
Allegro - Allemanda - Corrente - Sarabanda - Giga


J.S. Bach

Ciaccona in re minore BWV 1004

Fabio Bonizzoni - clavicembalo 


  • Friday 26 April 2019 21:00
  • City Cagliari
  • Palazzo Siotto - 

    via dei Genovesi, 114 - 



Throughout my musical career, some of the most meaningful and memorable moments have been captured through recordings. I am pleased to share with you a comprehensive list of the many albums that I have been a part of - some of which I have recorded independently, while others were created in collaboration with a few close colleagues or with a large ensemble. As an active performer for many years, particularly with La Risonanza, there are indeed many recordings to my name - perhaps even an overwhelming number.