G.F. Handel (1685-1759) Triosonata op 5 n 4 in Sol maggiore HWV 399 A tempo ordinario, Passacaille, Gigue, Menuet Sebastián Durón (1660-1716) "Atiendan, escuchen" cantada al Santissimo per soprano, due violini y bc in fa maggiore A. Vivaldi (1678-1741) Suonata a due violini e basso continuo in re minore Op. I nº 8 RV 64 Preludio Largo, Corrente Allegro, Grave, Giga Allegro José de Torres (ca. 1670-1738) "Ego vir videns &" Lamentación sola, tercera del Jueves Santo M. Mascitti (1664-1760) Passacaglia variata Sebastián Durón “Ay, que me abraso de amor en la llama” Cantata per soprano
  • Yetzabel Arias Fernández
  • Fabio Bonizzoni
  • Sunday 29 March 2015 12:00
  • Fundación Antonio Pérez (Antiguo Convento Carmelitas), Cuenca
  • None


Throughout my musical career, some of the most meaningful and memorable moments have been captured through recordings. I am pleased to share with you a comprehensive list of the many albums that I have been a part of - some of which I have recorded independently, while others were created in collaboration with a few close colleagues or with a large ensemble. As an active performer for many years, particularly with La Risonanza, there are indeed many recordings to my name - perhaps even an overwhelming number.